Welcome to the official website of the |

National Judicial Institute

Expanding and improving the overall knowledge and performance of all categories of judicial officers and their support staff and championing excellence, efficiency, and uniformity in the quality of judicial services in Nigeria

From the adminstrator's desk

It is with immense pleasure that I extend a warm welcome to all of you on behalf of National Judicial Institute. As the administrator of this esteemed institute, I am honored to have you join us on this virtual platform. Our website serves as a window into the heart and soul of our institute, offering you a glimpse of our mission, vision, and the incredible journey we embark upon daily to empower individuals through education and innovation.

Activities of the institute

The Institute organizes and conducts continuing Judicial education and training, including study courses, lectures, seminars, workshops, and conferences, for all cadres of Judicial Officers in the country and their supporting staff. Other training programmes are also organized and conducted by the Institute in collaboration with other organizations in Nigeria and abroad...

Upcoming Events

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Established through an Act


There is hereby established a body to be known as the National Judicial Institute (in this Act referred to as “the Institute”). The management of the Institute and the power of direction of its affairs shall vest in the Board of Governors of the Institute (in this Act referred to as “the Board”) which shall have the functions assigned to it by this Act.

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